Reward mechanics for initial supporters and hodlers. Each artist and collaborative project in Henpaiverse will have a release tied to similar rewards at some point. We are happy to announce the reward tier list for Nipsgobrrr debut FOUNDERS collection on FND:


    • A rank utility toward all Nips and Henpaiverse projects

    • whitelist to 1 upcoming HENPAIVERSE project

    • occasional airdrops from all future Nips releases

    • voting voice in Nips and Henpaiverse projects

    • access to gated content and additional materials (e.g. hirez original images and videos of artwork purchased, alternative versions and bonus editions etc)

    • (this will be continuously updated with time and will receive more and more options)

    • Everything described in rank A plus:

    • Whitelist to all future HENPAIVERSE projects

    • regular airdrops from Nips and Henpaiverse team releases (collections and artists on rotation)

    • + 1 free NFT, cross artist and cross platform rewards: (you will have an option to chose any artwork reserved for this occasion from Bochepug collection on HEN)

    • Everything described in rank S plus:

    • guaranteed airdrops from Nips and Henpaiverse team releases (artists and collections on rotation)

    • + 2 free NFTs, cross artist and cross platform rewards (you will have an option to chose any 2 artworks reserved for this occasion from Bochepug collection on HEN designed specifically to accompany this collection)

    • priority role in all future projects voting

    • option to chose one trait of your liking which will be implemented into upcoming HENPAIVERSE generative pfp project
